✦ Keep It Simple #30

Global Leaders - Bridging Cultures Through Communication

Hello everyone,

Today, I celebrate three years in the United States and seven years living outside Brazil.

Reflecting on my journey, I realize that communication has always been a challenge, especially when leading teams in a different language.

Despite having a degree in Social Communication and conducting various training sessions on the subject, I’ve found that communication is a delicate skill that can easily be disrupted.

Many times, fear has prevented me from focusing on the true impact of communication: THE EXCHANGE.

Effective communication goes beyond just expressing your ideas; it’s about sharing with others, where both parties contribute their thoughts.

Each time I failed to recognize this, I didn’t achieve success. Communication is simple yet sensitive, which is why the #1 problem in leadership is often communication.

"Good communication builds trust and alignment. It ensures that everyone understands their roles, objectives, and how to work together." (My post this Monday on Instagram).

In this edition, I want to discuss the pillars of effective communication, regardless of the language, and the topic of international careers.

Have you ever considered pursuing one?

Enjoy the read! ;)

Four Pillars of Effective Communication

  • Active Listening: Engage fully in conversations by paying attention not only to the words but also to tone of voice, body language, and emotions. This includes asking questions, giving feedback, and avoiding interruptions.

  • Body Language: Often, what we don’t say verbally speaks louder. Posture, gestures, and facial expressions play a crucial role in clear communication. Make sure your body language aligns with the message you want to convey.

  • Empathy: Show understanding and consideration for the feelings and perspectives of others. This helps create deeper connections and avoid misunderstandings.

  • Intent in Communication: Always ask yourself, "What is my intention with this communication?" Aligning your intentions with your words and actions ensures the message has the desired impact, reducing noise and misunderstandings.

Adapting Communication for Your Audience

One of the most valuable skills for a leader is adapting their communication style according to the audience.

Here are some tips:

  • Understand Your Audience: 

    The level of knowledge and expectations varies among individuals. Knowing your audience allows you to tailor your communication style.

    Success is 90% preparation (I always emphasize this), and preparing for who you are communicating with is key.

  • Simplify Without Losing Depth: 

    Use accessible language without sacrificing the essence of your message.

  • Seek Continuous Feedback: 

    Ask your team if your communication was clear and if anyone has questions. This not only helps adjust your approach but also strengthens trust.

Embrace Authenticity

Be yourself. Don’t be afraid to express doubts, seek clarity, or share when you’ve changed your mind.

Authenticity strengthens your communication because people trust those who are transparent and genuine. The connection becomes fluid. Stand firm in your values and beliefs.

Communication becomes clearer and more efficient when there is alignment between your words, expressions, convictions, and values.

When you are in sync with yourself, your message resonates more strongly with others, creating deeper connections and more effective results. Avoid comparing your communication style to others — find your own voice.

Empower Without Authority

Empowering communication does not require imposing authority. In fact, the most effective leaders use words that inspire, encourage, and empower their teams.

You don’t need to resort to aggressive communication to be firm. Using solid arguments and maintaining respect are powerful tools.

International Career: Myths and Truths

Building an international career can seem challenging, especially when it involves communicating in another language. Here are some insights I’ve gained along the way:

  • It Doesn’t Have to Be Perfect:

Language isn’t the biggest barrier. What matters is taking risks, learning from mistakes, and being resilient.

Gradually, you will adapt. A major myth is thinking you need to master the language like a native speaker. Once you let go of this idea and focus on being understood, genuine connections follow.

  • Persistence is Key:

Achieving dreams doesn’t happen overnight, but it is possible. This applies to those abroad and those building their careers in their own countries.

Results come from discipline and persistence. It’s like exercising: you may not know when the results will appear, but they will if you don’t give up.

  • Vulnerability is a Strength:

Showing vulnerability when communicating in another language demonstrates authenticity and builds trust.

When I moved to another country, I recognized the value of this opportunity.

I committed myself fully, and even when I made mistakes, I apologized and took care to explain myself, never giving up on communication. My willingness to be imperfect helped me connect with people.

  • Don’t Limit Yourself:

Step out of your comfort zone, take risks, and try again. This process is what makes the experience valuable.

In another language, the journey is similar: you prove to yourself that you can go beyond and achieve your goals.

  • Seize Opportunities:

Always be prepared, available, and willing. When opportunities arise, you’ll be ready. Don’t wait for chances to come before you prepare.

They are everywhere; just be attentive and dedicated.

  • Cultural Differences:

While cultures may differ, there are common threads. We are all on a journey of learning and development.

Respect others, accept differences (including your own), and focus on your growth.

If you're ready to strengthen this skill, boost your leadership journey, and achieve different results, click here to talk to connect with me. I’ll support you through my leadership mentoring program.

🖼️ Image of the Week:

If you could give advice to your 15-year-old self, what would you say?

And if you could send a message to your future self, what would it be?

Have you ever stopped to consider how your attitudes, actions, and choices play a crucial role in shaping your path and outcomes?

What legacy do you aspire to leave behind? How do you hope to be remembered?

I take great pride in not giving up and in persisting, even when I didn’t have all the resources and tools I thought were essential to achieve my dreams.

Today, I follow what I believe in and work in what I love. I am extremely proud of the journey I’ve taken so far.

Being an international leader and a woman is not an easy path, but I can assure you that it is possible and much simpler than it seems. The secret lies in simplicity and in taking small, yet significant, steps.

📼 TEDTalks Every leader should watch

Great Leaders INSPIRE Others To Do Great Things

💡 Quote of the week: “The ability to communicate clearly and convincingly is what differentiates effective leaders from those who struggle to influence." — John C. Maxwell

If you want my help to lead with more efficiency, gains and freedom and less headache, click here and talk to me for individual mentoring.