✦ Keep It Simple #31

Planning and Impact - Strategies to Close the Year Successfully

Hello everyone,

Do you also feel like the days are passing by faster and faster, and you’re losing control over time and everything you set out to do?

Well... we know we can’t control time (as much as I sometimes wish I had a few more hours in my day... and other times I wish I could freeze certain moments forever).

However, we can control our actions and how we use the time we have.

This week, I spoke with an operations director of a hotel chain in Brazil, and we talked about an excellent professional who resigned. It wasn’t because he wasn’t being recognized, facing impossible challenges, or underperforming (quite the opposite).

He resigned because he realized his actions were increasingly diverging from his dreams. He decided it was time to recalibrate his path and align his actions to get closer to achieving them.

And that’s so important and valuable! Sometimes, we need to step out of our comfort zone to reach what truly matters—what makes our eyes shine and brings peace to our hearts. Many call this following our life’s mission.

Personally, I believe in this... how can we move forward without being close to our dreams?

Sometimes it may seem utopian, but I believe this is the true meaning of life.

Without it, joy, motivation, and pleasure start to fade, both for professional and personal dreams.

We have 90 days left until 2024 ends, and in this edition of the Newsletter, I’d like to invite you to reflect on what you’ve been doing to reach your goals, whether you’re closer to what you set out to do, and what tools you’ve been using to ensure you don’t lose your way.

Enjoy the read! ;)

📊 Your Progress

Have you taken a moment this year to assess your journey so far? The habit of self-assessment is as important as executing the tasks.

This isn’t a habit where the more you do it and the more familiar you are with your plans, the more success you’ll have in your results.

Ask yourself:

  • Have I made progress toward my goals this year? (both personal and professional)

  • What milestones have I achieved, and what challenges have I faced?

  • Am I aligned with my vision and values as a leader?

In addition to asking these questions, using a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) for your goals is excellent for identifying your progress and areas for improvement.

Recalibrate Your Leadership Goals

After reflecting, redefine your next steps with clear and actionable objectives. Align your actions with your long-term vision for your team and career.

Use the SMART method (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound) to ensure your goals are concrete.

🎯 Challenge: Choose one or two main goals to focus on until the end of the year and create an action plan to achieve them.

⏳Maximize Impact in the Final Stretch

Now is the time to pursue small wins that can generate big results.

Delegate Effectively: Identify tasks that can be passed on to your team, allowing you to focus on what truly matters. Use the Eisenhower Matrix to differentiate what’s urgent from what’s important.

🎯 Challenge: Identify a small positive change you can implement in your team before the year ends.

Maintain Work-Life Balance

With the end of the year approaching, it’s common for leaders to become overwhelmed. Set boundaries and practice self-care.

Ensure you’re setting aside time to rest and recharge. Leading by example is essential for creating a healthy work culture.

🔑 Set Clear Boundaries

Establishing boundaries between work and personal time is vital.

This means setting limits on work hours, avoiding the temptation to check emails after hours, and creating dedicated spaces for relaxation and personal activities.

Communicate these boundaries clearly to your team, so they understand and respect your time.

🔑 3Prioritize Self-Care

Self-care is not just a buzzword; it's a fundamental aspect of effective leadership.

Schedule regular breaks, ensure you're getting enough sleep, and make time for activities that rejuvenate you.

Whether it's exercise, hobbies, or spending time with loved ones, prioritize activities that help you recharge both mentally and physically.

Lead by Example

As a leader, your actions set the tone for your team.

By practicing self-care and maintaining a healthy work-life balance, you model these behaviors for your team.

This not only helps in fostering a positive work environment but also encourages your team members to take care of their own well-being.

If you're ready to strengthen this skill, boost your leadership confidence, and achieve better results, click here to talk to connect with me. I’ll support you through my leadership mentoring program.

Tools to Stay on Track

Here are some tools that can help you stay focused and organized during this period:

💡Trello: A project management platform based on boards and cards, ideal for organizing tasks, tracking progress, and collaborating with teams. - Trello

💡Google Keep: A note-taking tool that allows you to create task lists, set reminders, and organize important information simply and accessibly. - Google Keep

💡Evernote: An app for capturing ideas, notes, and information in an organized manner, allowing synchronization between devices and integration with other tools. - Evernote

💡Todoist: A task manager that offers features to organize daily tasks and projects, with prioritization and reminders. - Todoist

💡Notion: A versatile platform that combines task organization, note-taking, and databases for personal or team projects, making it easier to track goals. - Notion

These tools can assist in staying organized and focused on achieving goals and remaining productive.

🎯 Challenge: Try a new time management technique this week and see how it improves your productivity.

Inspire Your Team for the Future

While it’s important to reflect on the year that’s nearly over, it’s essential to start planning for the next year—not just for you, but for your team as well.

Hold an end-of-year meeting to align expectations, celebrate wins, and discuss improvements.

🖼️ Image of the Week:

We’re in the final 90days of 2024, and this is the perfect moment to reflect, recalibrate, and take concrete actions. As leaders, we have the power to influence not only our own destinies but also the destiny of our teams.

📼 TEDTalks Every leader should watch

Samsung Official TVC - Ostrich - Go further! When the new is right before your eyes

💡 Quote of the week:

“Begin with the end in mind.” – Stephen Covey

Having clarity about what you want to achieve is the first step toward getting there.

If you want my help to lead with more efficiency, gains and freedom and less headache, click here and talk to me for individual mentoring.