✦ Keep It Simple #24

Your First Leadership Role – Do You Remember Yours?

Hello everyone,

The beginning of a leadership journey is filled with challenges and doubts. It's natural to feel apprehensive and to have clear desires to stand out.

Failing is part of the process, and it’s in these moments that you exercise one of the core pillars of leadership: acknowledging mistakes, managing conflicts, and communicating effectively.

For those starting out, as well as the more experienced, continuous self-assessment is crucial.

Being a leader goes beyond holding a position; it's about behavior and daily attitudes. Many aspire to this role for recognition, but few truly master authentic leadership.

This week’s newsletter is for those preparing to become leaders and also for current leaders - I invite you to remember the start of your journey and reflect on where you are now.

Enjoy the read! ;)

Leadership Ritual

🌄 Wake Up Early

The start of the day sets the pace. Waking up early allows you to begin the day with focus and tranquility.

⚖️ Dedicate Time to Yourself

Take care of your mind, body, and spirit. By caring for yourself first, you can be fully present for others.

Meditation, exercise, and reading are essential for maintaining balance.

💯 Work with Intention

Set clear goals and work with purpose. Each task should have a defined objective. Review as many times as necessary, but stay focused.

There will be difficult moments, and remembering your intention will motivate you to persist. In the near future, you’ll look back and find success in aligning with your purpose.

🎯 Have Priorities

Organize tasks according to importance and urgency. Focus on what truly makes a difference. Avoid spending time on what you cannot control and don’t invest excessively in influencing others.

Focus on what you can contribute through your attitude and words. Maintain healthy thoughts and prioritize your goals and actions.

📣 Focus on Your Communication 

Clarity in communication is vital for effective leadership. Remember, communication isn’t just about using words well; the key is active listening and conveying your ideas clearly and when relevant.

🗨️ Lead Meetings (Briefing & Debriefing)

Align your team by conducting briefings and debriefings effectively. Be concise and clear. Meetings are necessary but don’t need to drag on for hours.

Have clear objectives and involve the right people. Communication is POWER! Empower your team. Don’t fear sharing information—except confidential details, of course. Ensure your team has the information they need to perform their tasks effectively.

🔊 Practice Active Listening

Understand the needs and opinions of your team. This strengthens mutual trust and respect. Just because you are leading doesn’t mean your team has nothing to contribute.

On the contrary, listening to team proposals makes actions more effective and the team more powerful.

Inspire Your Team

Be an example of dedication and passion. Your energy and vision will motivate your team.

🏆 Train Your Team

Invest in the continuous development of your team members. Their growth reflects the success of the group.

Developing talent is a fundamental aspect of leadership. Leaders who focus only on their own development and neglect their team are not true leaders.

Claiming you don't have time to train your team or outsourcing this responsibility without proper oversight are major leadership mistakes. Leadership is about people and how you behave for them. Authority alone does not make you a leader.

📈Seek to Improve Each Day

Always strive for personal and professional growth.

🎉 Enjoy the Journey

Celebrate small and big victories and appreciate the growth process.

21-Day Challenge

To internalize these practices, challenge yourself to follow these tips for 21 consecutive days.

Observe how your leadership and performance evolve with consistency. (I recommend reading "The Power of Habit.")

Indicators for Measuring Results

  • Team Feedback: Assess how your team responds to your actions and leadership.

  • Productivity: Measure the impact of your priorities and clear communication.

  • Personal Development: Observe your own growth and areas needing more attention.

Consistency is the key to sustainable results. Repeating actions daily not only strengthens your skills but also builds a solid foundation for lasting achievements. Shortcuts may seem attractive but rarely offer solid and enduring results. It is through the process that we learn the most valuable lessons.

Everyone has their own process.

Avoid comparing yourself to others' processes and results. Inspiration is important, but spending time comparing yourself to others only leads to frustration.

Focus on how you can achieve your own goals and follow your path with authenticity. Take pride in every small step towards your objectives and stay motivated by the opportunities you encounter each day.

True leadership is built through continuous effort and ongoing learning. And this process doesn’t have to be painful or done alone.

If you want my help to transform your leadership and achieve the results you desire, click here for more information. Keep moving forward and enjoy the beautiful leadership journey!

🖼️ Image of the Week:

by TestGorilla

📼 TEDTalks Every leader should watch

What Makes a Leader Great? | Simon Sinek

Simon has devoted his professional life to help advance a vision of the world that does not yet exist; a world in which the vast majority of people wake up every single morning inspired, feel safe wherever they are and end the day fulfilled by the work that they do.

💡 Quote of the week:

"It is not our abilities that show what we truly are… it is our choices." - J.K. Rowling

If you want my help to lead with more efficiency, gains and freedom and less headache, click here and talk to me for individual mentoring.